Monday, April 6, 2020

Recount Text : Battle Of Medan Area



[26/3 01:23] 1.9 October 1945, allied forces led by Brigadier General T.E.D Kelly land in North Sumatra piggybacking on NICA people

[26/3 01:24] 2 October 1945, The first incident of a hotel on Bali Street, Medan

[26/3 01:25] 3 October 1945 Sumatra TKR was formed led by Achmad Tahir 

 [26/3 01:26] 4.15 Oktober 1945 they joined to become the Youth of Indonesia in East Sumatra
[26/3 01:26] 5 November 1945, new warriors were born like Napindo 

[26/3 01:27] 6 October 1945, the United Kingdom gave an ultimatum to the Indonesian people to surrender their weapons 

[26/3 01:29] 7 December 1945, the allies put up boards with the words "Fixed Areaound Boundaries" in various corners of Medan. Since then, the words "Medan Area" have become famous

[26/3 01:30] 8 April 1946, the British Army tried to force the Indonesian government out of the city of Medan. 

[26/3 01:31] 9 August 10, 1946 in Bukit Tinggi a meeting was held
The Battle of Medan Area was one of the battles to maintain Indonesian independence. Just like the battles of Surabaya and Ambarawa, the battle in Medan was an attempt by North Sumatra fighters to stop the Dutch from wishing to regain control of Indonesian territories.
Almost similar to other battles during the revolutionary period, the battle of the Medan area began with the arrival of Allied forces on 9 October 1945 in North Sumatra. The force was led by Brigadier General T. E. D Kelly. The Allies brought one brigade, the 4th Brigade from the 26th Indian Division. The arrival of the brigade was also fooled by the Dutch Indies Civil Administration (NICA) who were secretly prepared to take over the Indonesian government.
At first the Indonesian government in North Sumatra allowed them to occupy several hotels in the city of Medan, such as the Hotel de Boer, the Grand Hotel, the Astoria Hotel etc. North Sumatra officials did not know their true purpose, but merely wanted to respect their duty to take care of prisoners of war held by the Japanese. Some Allied members and NICA were then stationed in Binjai, Tanjung Morawa, and several other places by installing field tents.
The day after landing in Medan, teams from the Rehabilitation of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees (RAPWI) had visited prisoners camps on Berayan Island, Saentis, Rantau Prapat, Pematang Siantar and Berastagi to help free prisoners and were sent to Medan with the approval of Governor M Hassan.
Unexpectedly, the prisoners of war were precisely formed into KNIL battalions. Changes in attitude were immediately apparent from the former captives. They were proud because they felt they were winners in World War II.
In anticipation of the arrival of the Allies and NICA, the youths immediately formed the People's Security Army Division (TKR) in Medan on September 13, 1945. The arrogant attitude of the former prisoner triggered various incidents with the youth of North Sumatra. The first incident broke out at a hotel on Jalan Bali, Medan on October 13, 1945. The incident began with a hotel occupant who seized and trampled on the red and white badge worn by a young man.

The badge incident also marked the start of the Battle of Medan Area. The hotel was attacked and damaged by young people. In this incident about 96 people were injured, mostly NICA people. The incident then spread in several other cities such as Pematang Siantar and Berastagi.
As in other cities in Indonesia, Britain began its action to weaken the strength of the warriors by intimidating through pamphlets to the Indonesian people to surrender their weapons to the Allies.
Such efforts were also carried out by Brigadier General T. E. D. Kelly towards the Medan youth on the 18th of October 1945. Since then the Allied forces and NICA began carrying out acts of terror in the city of Medan, so that hostility with the youth was inevitable.
On the other hand, due to hostility with young people, British patrols outside the city never felt safe. Their safety is not guaranteed by the Indonesian government.
The increase in casualties on the British side caused them to strengthen their position and unilaterally determine their limits on power.
On December 1, 1945, the Allies installed boards with the words Fixed Boundaries Medan Area in various corners of the suburbs of Medan. From this moment the term Medan Area became famous.
This British action was a violation of the sovereignty and challenges of the youth. At the same time, the United Kingdom and NICA carried out a counter-action against elements of the Republic of Indonesia in the city of Medan.

Medan Area fighters
The youth responded to the actions of the Allies and NICA, so that confrontation was inevitable. As a result, the Medan region has become unsafe. Every eviction attempt was rewarded by a siege, even armed battles often took place.
On December 10, 1945, British and NICA forces attempted to destroy the concentration of the Tenatara Peoples Security (TKR) in Trepes, but the attempt was foiled. Subsequently a British officer was kidnapped by a young man. Some Allied trucks were also successfully destroyed.
This incident caused General T. E. D Kelly to threaten young men to surrender their weapons. Anyone who doesn't obey will be shot dead.
In April 1946, British troops began trying to push the Indonesian government in Medan to get out of the city. The Governor, Makras TKR Division, the Mayor of the Republic of Indonesia finally were transferred to Pematang Siantar. Thus, the British succeeded in conquering the city of Medan. Without a unitary command, it is impossible to carry out effective attacks on the positions of the British and NICA forces.
On August 10, 1946, in Tebingtinggi, a meeting was held between the commanders of the troops who fought in the Medan Area. The meeting decided to form a command named Medan Area Warriors Regiment Command, which was divided into 4 sectors and each sector was divided into 4 subsectors. Each sector has a battalion of strength. Komano's headquarters is based in Sudi Mengerti (Trepes). It was under the new command that the struggle in the Medan Area continued.


Created by:
- Raden Ramadhaniqo A (32)
- Bismo Irmanendra R (11)

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