Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nico's Weg - Film Review

Nico's Weg


Hey folks! It's me again. What's up? Hope you're just fine. 

So. right now I'll write a review text about a movie named "Nico's Weg." Okay, basically this is a Deutsch movie. The duration is about an hour and 43 minutes. If you want to watch the movie, just click the link above. 

This movie is intended to gives people lessons and informations about culture in Germany, such as the people right there, how they talk to each other, what are they habits, etc. The story of this movie is light but interesting, so I think everyone from all ages can watch this movie. In my opinion, the actors and actresses did a great job at playing their roles. The lessons and the informations in this movie is so helpful, especially for those who are studying Deutsch lesson, just like me. 

The story begins with a scene where Nico was arrived at the airport in somewhere in Germany. He wants to go to his aunt's house. His aunt is Yara Gonzales, she had a bicycle store in Germany. After arrived, he went outside and put his bag in the sidewalk. While he waiting for the taxi to come,  he played with a little girl, named Emma. But, he was played too long and his bag was already gone. Emma's aunt, named Lisa Brunner offered him a ride in order to find his bag. In the car, Nico introduce himself. His full name is Nico Gonzales. But, he cannot speak Deutsch very well, so Emma and Lisa guide him to speak Deutsch properly.

They stopped for a moment at the gas station to refuel the car. Then, they met Max Stuhl, he is Lisa's friend. He met Nico and asked him few general questions. Nico tell him that he was from Sevile, Spain. He wanted to go to his aunt, which is lived here in Germany. But, unfortunately, Nico's bag were gone at the airport and he got nothing left except his aunt photo. Max suggest Lisa to contact her father, Jurgen Brunner, because he is a policeman , so maybe he can helps Nico find his bag and take him to Yara.

At the police office, Jurgen told that he will try to find Yara and her bicycle store. While waiting, Jurgen told Lisa to take Nico to the party at her house. Lisa's house is located at Wagnergasse. 

In there, Nico met Sebastian and Nina, which is Lisa's friends. After Nico introduced himself, they took a lunch together inside the house. Then he met Naveen, which is Lisa's friend too who lived there with them. Naveen told him that he was from Thailand.

At night, the party was held. They were having fun, such as playing some games, had some conversations, had dinner, etc. Turns out, this party was actually a farewell party, because Naveen, the person who hold the party, will moved to France to continue his study. In there, Nico also met another Lisa's friend, Salma. She is from Damascus, Syria.

In the next day, since Lisa was a teacher, she must attend the class and teach her student about Deutsch language, At the afternoon, Lisa and Nico was looking for Yara's bicycle store, but they couldn't find it. Lisa told Nico that he can't stay at her house anymore, so she suggested him to find some young hostel, because it was cheaper than hotel.

Lisa asked Nico to take care Emma for one day, because she had another job that day. In the next day, Nico was come to work at a restaurant named Das Marek, which is owned by Max and Tariq, Lisa's friends. Then Lisa came and she told Nico that she didn't get any hostel for Nico. After heard that, an old lady named Angie, which is a costumer in there, offered him to stayed at her house with pleasure.

In the next day, Jurgen came by to Lisa's house and told Nico that he find Yara's address. Then, Nico and Lisa were planned to go to Yara's address. While Nico was staying with Angie, Lisa, Sebastian, Nina, and Naveen was having a vacation. 

At Das Marek, Nico and Angie was having a breakfast. Nico also explained his hobbies, he likes to play soccer, swimming, listening to music, cycling, and fishing too. Max replied that he also likes to fishing, then he asked Nico to take a look some photos when he was fishing. Nico saw Yara's photo hanged on the wall. He told Max that she is his aunt.

Max brought Nico and Angie to Yara's bicycle store, so basically Yara is Max's friend and they worked together. After that, Max asked Nico and Angie to buy some food ingredients for their dinner. First, they went to a bakery to buy some breads, then they went to the market to buy another requirements. 

Okay, so now we moved to Nico's bag's point of view. So, since the first time the bag was gone, it was actually taken by the airport's taxi. Then, the bag was put there in front of Konigshof hotel. After that, two homeless guys took the bag and also took some of Nico's clothes inside the bag. Then, they put the bag in fronf of a big house near the sidewalk. 

Few days later, Salma found the bag and she intended to give it back to Nico. While then, Nico was about to buy some breads at the bakery. On the way, he met Salma and he saw his bag on her. He thanked her, and immediately he checked the bag. He found that some of his clothes, including his favorite shirt were gone. But, fortunately, his passport and phone were still there. 

After heard that, Salma took him for a shopping. They went together and they bought lots of new clothes. They were very happy and enjoyed it. Then, Salma gave him her phone number in case if he wants to go shopping again next time.

When Nico arrived at Angie's house, Angie gave him some clothes which was belong to her late husband, Gunther, but Nico was not really like those clothes. Then, Salma came by to take her wallet which was carried away with Nico. 

At night, Nico, Max, Tariq, and Jurgen the police went to Yara's bicycle store in order to investigate where did Yara actually going. But, they didn't get any result. 

In the next day, Nico was having a mini soccer with Max, Tariq, and their other friends. in the middle of the game, Nico was injured and had to be taken to the doctor. After got some treatments from Dr. Gruppi, Nico must take a rest and some medicines. 

Few days later, when Nico was finally cured, Nico and Angie were having a breakfast at Das Marek. Then, Tariq asked Nico whether he wants to go with him to Yara's bicycle store. While then, Salma and her family finally had their permission to lived in Germany. At Yara's bicycle store, Tariq told Nico that his bicycle were broken, so he brought it to Yara. But, Nico can repaired it by himself, then Tariq thanked him for that.

No longer after that, Yara had finally came to her bicycle store. She found that there were already Nico and Tariq waiting for her. The end. 

After watching this movie, I can conclude that Deutsch people were so nice, , careful, punctual, friendly, professional, well-planned, easy going, forgiving, cheerful, expressive, honest, beautiful, handsome, likes to help each other, like cleanliness, and can blend easily with other people, even with strangers too. The society is also diverse, as evidenced by the presence of Lisa's friends, such as Salma and Naveen which is from outside of Germany.

That's all I can say. Hope it's helpful and give you new lessons. Looking forward to heard your comments and advice. Thank you! See you soon!

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